Tuesday, October 7, 2008

What happend?

Yeah it been a while that i posted here. I was more concentrated to the forums we got donated by a user. But .. 

At the Moment it seems that Taliis seems to get finaly closed. As least i dont did something new on it since finaly someone seems to be worth to continue noggit. I look forward to beket and his people. Lets hope they will made it!

So. What did happend to taliis recently?

I updated the editor many times. Also the core got some updates. Everything got prepared to auto-load files from mpq archives. So later new plugins would be able to request some textures or whatever they need.

Also i did a support for blp files. Same reason. 

And i started to make some ANT makefiles because it got almost IMPOSSIBLE to handle the whole project without makefiles anymore. Every recompile took me almost 40 Minutes of Handclicking work.

There is a greyscale import/exporter. Alpha layer importer/exporter, shadowlayer importer/exporter. All in clean own menues this time. Theres also a last 5 files history.

However. Here some screenshots. They might be the last.


Tigurius said...

Thanks for your work.

Is there a chance of getting the last version of taliis?

甘苦 said...

I think i realy dont have the time to effort compiling and fixing everything _again_ so it would be a new release.
I know that many in the comunity just compile and give it out. But for me a release have to be stable and finished -> As least its not finished. Some functions are missing.
But maybe i will donate the complete src soon .. So ppl can compile it by themself